Category Archives: Fashion

4 Last Minute Gifts for the Fashion Major in Your Life


Hey you guys! It has literally been a minute since I’ve talked to you guys!. I’ve definitely missed blogging so much, and I want to do a life update in the next week or two to give the details on what’s been going on. To keep the story short, school was basically 10x harder this semester than it ever has been. I had a Patternmaking and Apparel Construction course that really threw me for a loop this semester. Sewing is NOT my strongest attribute (I’m working on it I promise), so the amount of stress this class brought me was unreal. Nevertheless, my semester is completed, and I’m back home ready to work seasonal retail and sleep in until 12:00pm on my off days.

I’m still shocked at how fast the semester went by, but I’m even more shocked that Christmas is on Tuesday! It’s definitely crunch time when it comes to buying gifts and preparing for the holiday season. Personally, I struggle with finding gifts for my friends and family. When people around me get to a certain age, it gets a lot harder to give them something other than money. I enjoy giving people gifts that are sentimental or appeal to their interests. One thing that I’ve used as a good way to find some nice gifts is the college major of the person close to me. Majority of the time, their major is a big interest to them! Since I am a fashion major myself, I decided to give you guys a few memorable and lovable gift ideas for the fashion lover in your life. Check out the five things I have listed below for some gift inspiration!

1. Planner

This is a gift that is crucial to basically any college student. I’ve tried so hard in the past to put reminders, assignments and events in my phone, but it never feels right or works in an effective way for me. A planner is a great way for me to get my life in order while still being creative. As a fashion major, I have a ton of assignments due simultaneously. A paper, project, and test could all be happening in one day! On top of that, I still have other classes that I need to keep up with such as business or marketing classes (because my focus is merchandising and design). Things start to get really jumbled up sometimes, so using a planner lets me visually see what I have due on which day. I’m also really big on color coding, so I love getting a pack of multi-colored sharpies and assigning each class to a certain color. The one thing that I love about planners is that there are SO many different types. Good places to shop for stylish and unique planners in-store are Target, Urban Outfitters and Walmart!

2. Water Bottle

When fashion students start on a project, it gets really hard to stop! We get so focused on progressing that sometimes we forget to take a break, and more importantly, hydrate! A water bottle is a perfect last minute gift. Also, a lot of fashion majors work retail jobs in addition to going to school. It’s extremely important to drink water throughout those long, clothing store shifts, especially during peak season such as back-to-school or Christmas. Water bottles can be found almost anywhere, but you already know that fashion major is going to want a bottle that is trendy! Target, Ross, and Rue 21 are perfect places to find affordable water bottles that are still super cute and are good quality.

3. Coffee Travel Cup

Let’s face it, college and procrastination go hand in hand. I’ve gotten a lot better with doing my assignments a few days before they’re due, but during that time in the semester when the midlife college crisis hits (aka October), it becomes hard to get ahead on assignments. As I’ve mentioned above, fashion students have a ton of projects to do, so coffee becomes a must-have. I think a coffee travel cup is an amazing investment because you can brew your own coffee at home and bring it to-go. This allows you to save a ton of money instead of spending $6 at Starbucks everyday. A coffee travel cup also helps me on those days where I’m running really late to class, but need a boost of something to wake me up. I don’t have time to wait in line and grab a coffee, so brewing my own either with a coffee pot or my Keurig is the perfect choice. Most Target and Kroger stores have a Starbucks within them that sell super cute travel cups that are usually on sale during the holiday season!

4. Sewing and Design Supplies

This is such a necessity for a fashion major regardless if they’re on the design or merchandising track. All fashion majors will have to take sewing classes and some form of art class to learn about colors, line, harmony balance, etc. Items such as Prisma color pencils/markers, a rotary cutter + board, and a sewing kit would be great gifts for a fashion major. They will definitely be grateful because these items are used multiple times throughout college and could also come in handy after graduation! Hobby Lobby, Joann, and even Walmart have some great selections when it comes to sewing and design supplies. P.S. Hobby Lobby usually has a coupon for 40% off of a single item!

These gifts that I’ve listed are great for any type of celebratory holiday! Whether it be Christmas, a birthday, or maybe a friendiversary. They’re also very inexpensive and shouldn’t take you out of the $30 range, which I think is perfect.

I’m really happy to be back and blogging! I have some amazing content planned for 2019, so thank you guys so much for sticking with me during these random little breaks I’m taking. I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas!

Until next time,


How to Start a Capsule Wardrobe

OMG! Hey guys! I know that it’s been a REALLY long time. I had all these summer plans for my blog and then I suddenly fell off of the Earth without any warning. I’m really sorry about that. If I’m being honest, this summer was extremely exhausting and kind of negative. I had three family members pass away which was sudden and unexpected. Also, I got promoted to a supervisor position at my retail job, so I was working a lot more than I was used to in the past. Let’s not forget the eight week business math course I decided to take as well (I’m a little insane). Overall, blogging and social media were the very VERY last things on my mind. It’s not like I took a break on purpose, it just kind of happened. I slowly found myself not posting on Instagram and not writing blog posts. I knew that if that was happening naturally, then it really was time from me to take a break away from it all.

Enough of that though because I’m back! I’m going into my senior year of college as a fashion merchandising major, and I couldn’t be more excited. I feel rejuvenated, motivated, and ready to blog again.

You guys know I have a large interest in fashion sustainability. I did a blog post over why a capsule wardrobe is beneficial, but I realized I never made a post over how to actually start a capsule wardrobe (yikes). Whenever back-to-school rolls around, I find it really difficult to pack for school. I still stay on campus, so I don’t like to bring a lot of items, but for some reason I always up bringing TWO bins full of clothing. Majority of the time, I don’t even wear the half of the clothing I brought. This semester, I was NOT about to fall into that trap again, so I kind of made a little back-to-school capsule wardrobe for this semester. I plan to show you guys what’s in my wardrobe very soon, but for now here are some tips on building your own capsule wardrobe!

1. Identify what you like to wear

This is a big step when it comes to creating a capsule wardrobe. You need to really think about the clothing that you wear often and identify why you wear those clothes as much as you do. For me, I love wearing basics. Just plain black, white, mustard, etc. tops. I find that clothing like this allows me to mix and match with different bottoms and shoes, so I’m allowed a lot more versatility when it comes to picking an outfit each day. This also subconsciously helps you narrow down your personal style and aesthetic which could benefit you when shopping in the future!

2. Figure out the weather where you live

Okay, this is a crazy important step too! Weather plays a huge factor in how you dress and what you wear each day. Whenever I first did my capsule wardrobe experiment last year, I didn’t properly prepare myself for the crazy Texas weather. I forgot that it can be 90 degrees one day and 50 the next (which is cold for us), so I didn’t have a lot of close-toed shoes or long sleeve items in my closet. I was walking to class shivering for a good week until I finally broke down and grabbed some items that weren’t in my capsule. This time around, I definitely packed more jeans, sneakers, and jackets/sleeved items.

3. Focus on versatility

I really suggest having a lot of basics in your capsule wardrobe. I’m definitely not telling you to clean out all of your statement pieces and patterned pieces, but you need to take into account what is easy to pair with other items in your closet. Also, try not to take duplicates of items because you’re wasting space in your capsule wardrobe. If you already have a black tank top, don’t add another one that you have in your closet that is just slightly different. You can most likely make the first black tank top work in the same way as the second one, so be smart about that!

4. Comfort is key

Whenever you’re picking items for your wardrobe, make sure that you aren’t just focusing on style, but you’re thinking about your comfort as well! During my capsule wardrobe experiment, I picked clothing that was more fashionable instead of comfortable, so I struggled a bit when it came to walking to and from my classes. For this semester, I picked a lot more of my sneakers to take to school with me and found ways to make them look trendy. I’m not saying to have ONLY comfort items in your capsule wardrobe. It’s okay to have a few standout pieces, like those four inch heels, but make sure that’s not all you have. Also, props to you if you can walk in four inch heels, because I can’t even walk in one inch heels (I’m serious).

5. Pinterest is your best friend

Lastly, make sure to download Pinterest! Before I started my capsule wardrobe, I used Pinterest mostly for food recipes. I realized that I could utilize it for fashion as well! A lot of the time, you’re going to get tired of wearing that same white boyfriend tee over and over. You may run out of ideas when it comes to styling it, and that’s where Pinterest comes in! By typing in the item you’re trying to style into the search box, you’ll get a ton of search results that feature your clothing item in outfits. I don’t think you guys understand how much this helped me out. There were so many moments where I wanted to reach for items not in my capsule because I grew frustrated and annoyed with the small amount of clothing I had to choose from. Pinterest really helped me to find new ways to style a ton of items I already own. Now, I spend my nights in bed, when I should be sleeping, searching for outfits for the school week and whenever I go out with friends or my boyfriend. P.S. PINTEREST DID NOT SPONSOR ME! I JUST LOVE IT THAT MUCH!

Other tips

  • Be prepared to do a good amount of laundry
  • For me, undergarments and accessories don’t count, but if you’re bold enough to include those as well, GO FOR IT!
  • It’s okay to miss clothing that isn’t in your capsule. Even though this is fun, it’s still an experiment which consists of trial and error.
  • Track your progress, journal about it, and maybe even share it on social media
  • Take pictures every now and then to see what kind of outfits you’re creating
  • Donate the clothing that you end up not using in your capsule or that you find yourself drifting away from. You could also sell it on Depop or Poshmark!

Overall, I really hope that you guys enjoyed this post! It feels really great to be back and sharing my fashion and college experiences with you all. If you have any questions about capsule wardrobes, or my wardrobe in general, definitely leave it in the comments below! I plan to have another blog post up in the coming weeks that talks about my capsule wardrobe that I catered to this semester. Thank you guys so much for reading!

Until next time,


Follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook!

DIY Distressed Denim

Hey guys!

I hope you all had a fun and relaxing Memorial Day weekend. I remember in high school, I always looked forward to that day off, but in college you’re already free from school! I know my siblings appreciated having that extra day to chill and even though I’m already out from school, I appreciated it too.

A couple weeks ago, I posted a poll on Instagram asking if my followers would like to see a blog post on how to distress denim, and s VAST majority said yes! Whether it be shorts, jackets, or jeans, this method will work for any type of denim. Since it is definitely the summer time for most of us, this is a great way to keep up with summer trends while not spending $30+ on distressed shorts or jeans. In this DIY, the shorts I got were $4 at my local Goodwill. That’s all it cost me to make denim that looks similar to those bought at fast fashion retailers. That brings me to another point! Using DIY methods on your old clothing or on thrifted clothing is a great way to be creative and express your personal style without spending money at fast fashion brands such as Forever 21.

So… let’s get this DIY started!

Before Picture:

I bought these shorts a little bit bigger than my normal size because I still want them to fit me years down the road, and I like the baggy, vintage shorts look! I also made sure that I had a similar color and style of these shorts already before I bought them, so if I made any mistakes I wouldn’t scream at myself for messing up my only pair of dark denim shorts.

Tools Needed:

– The shorts (of course)

– Sharp scissors

– Tweezers

– A solid, flat surface. I used an old children’s book, but a piece of cardboard works great too

– A lot of patience

After you’ve gathered your materials, its time to begin!

Step 1: Planning

Find some inspiration images! Unless you feel comfortable just diving right in, Pinterest is a great friend when it comes to fashion images. Search around for pictures of distressed shorts that you like or enjoy and save them for reference.

Optional: if you need some extra security, use a washable marker or fashion chalk to plan out where you want to place the rips!

Step 2: Separate the Front from the Back

Place your hard surface underneath the leg of the shorts (or jeans if you’re doing that instead). Make sure it is fully separating the front of the jeans from the back. It would be awful if you cut through the whole leg on accident!

Step 3: Make the Pocket Inside Out

Girl, unless you want a hole in your pocket, make sure to do this step! The hard surface being underneath the leg of the shorts/jeans helps with this also.

Step 4: Cut a Slit

I chose to put my first rip/distressing here! The size and length of the slit determines the size and length of the distressing. If you want a bigger rip, I suggest cutting two slits about the size of mine on top of one another. Cutting a slit that’s too long will be a LOT harder to distress. You’ll see why in a minute…

Step 5: Grab Those Tweezers and Pull Out the Threads

This is the hardest step and the most time consuming. Carefully take your tweezers and start to pull out the vertical, blue threads one at a time. If you try to pull out more than one, the threads won’t come out and will break in half or become frayed which makes it even harder. Some material is harder to remove threads from compared to others, so don’t give up! Also, like I mentioned earlier, if the height of the slit is too long, the threads will break in half. The longer the threads, the harder they are to pull out. This is why I suggest working in smaller sections to make one big section.

Continue to repeat this process until all the threads are pulled out of the little slit you made! It does take a while, especially to do a whole pair or shorts or jeans. I suggest turning on a movie, Hulu, or Netflix. You also don’t have to do this all in one day!

This is what I mentioned earlier about working in smaller sections to create a bigger distressed mark!

Step 6: Wash and Dry

All you need to do now is wash and dry these babies using your normal, typical laundry cycle. I wash all my clothes in cold water and dry them on the “normal” option, whatever that means. After that, YOU’RE DONE!

Finished Product:

These are literally my FAVORITE pair of shorts now. I wear them all the time, especially because I put the work into them to create them.

I hope you guys enjoyed this tutorial! Let me know in the comments if there is anything you need clarified, and let me know if you enjoyed this tutorial!

Until next time,

Unique Minimalist Watches for Spring

*This post is in partnership with JORD watches! Read until the end for an amazing giveaway where you can win $$$ off of a watch!

Hey guys and happy Spring!

I hope that you’re all doing extremely well, and that the middle of the semester isn’t sucking the life out of you! Yesterday was the official first day of Spring, and I can definitely tell you that Texas still can’t make up it’s mind when it comes to the weather. Early in the morning the weather tends to be in the high 40’s. By 2:00PM, it’s 75 degrees outside! I’m a little confused as to what to wear in the morning because the weather is SO spontaneous, but hopefully things will settle down soon (who am I kidding, Texas never settles down when it comes to the weather).

As you guys know, I’m not a big person when it comes to color in my wardrobe. I have a few pieces that are light pink, olive, and mustard yellow, but even those aren’t very bold Spring colors. I’d like to categorize my style as very minimal and basic, and I’ve come to terms with that. It’s difficult for me during the Spring season to find clothing items that fit in with the so-called “trend” of Spring, but still cater to my personal aesthetic. If you’re similar to me, the best way to conquer this situation is to use accessories! Now, I’m not a huge accessories person either. My earrings are usually white pearls, silver studs, or silver hoops. I’ve definitely stopped wearing chokers and necklaces, and the only rings I wear are silver and very subtle. However, one accessory that I love investing in and buying are watches. Watches are really great because of the fact that they can pull an outfit together, and they’re a very functional accessory. I feel that every college student needs a watch because they’re beneficial during tests or classes where the room doesn’t have a clock (which happens more often than you think). In addition, you’re able to keep up with the time without having to pull out your cellphone every two seconds. An exceptional and eye-catching brand on the radar this Spring is JORD’s Wood Watches.

JORD is a minimalist watch company based in St. Louis, Missouri that hand-crafts unique wooden watches. These watches are made from REAL wood, and are eco-friendly and sustainable, which is great because I’m a huge advocate for fashion sustainability. Now, you guys know I always keep it real. These timepieces are a little pricey ($200+), however you’re paying for something of amazing quality that will last you a LONG time. That’s the whole point of sustainable fashion and having a capsule wardrobe: to invest in something that will last you a while, so you don’t keep feeding into low quality, fast fashion items.

Even though these unique watches aren’t extremely flashy or colorful, they fit the theme of Spring in a minimal way. The wood detailing relates to nature and wildlife which honestly is what Spring is about! All the cute animals come out of hibernation and strut their stuff. JORD allows people that don’t wear a lot of color (cough, me) to still be on trend for the Spring season without compromising our personal aesthetic. Even if you are someone that loves to wear bright colors, these watches are so versatile, neutral, and minimal that they pair nicely with anything.

My outfit on this particular day is not anything related to Spring, whatsoever. In fact, it’s so basic, that it doesn’t relate to any season. Part of that is because:

  1. It was 43 degrees
  2. I’m ALL about comfort
  3. I rolled out of bed 30 minutes before my 8:00AM chemistry lab.

Despite all of these conditions, I was able to pair an accessory with my look that made me just a little bit closer to the Spring season. This really highlights the flexibility of JORD’s pieces and shows that someone that goes to class in an oversized t-shirt and shorts could still rock this watch. Also, I caught my boyfriend sneaking a peak at my beautiful wrist accessory, and I was able to tell him that JORD not only has women’s watches, but men’s watches too. If someone you know has a birthday coming up or you’re just feeling generous, a watch is a nice gift to consider. You could even get it engraved to say something super sweet and cute!

If you’re interested in my outfit details:

Top: American Apparel Black Wrap Shirt (Thrifted)

Pants: Cello High-Waisted Skinny Jeans (Hand Me Down)

Shoes: Black Nike Roshe (Gift)

Hoop Earrings: I’ve had these since middle school, so probably Walmart..?

Watch: JORD Frankie Series Dark Sandalwood & Smoke

Giveaway Information

Okay okay, I know this is the part you were actually waiting for. As mentioned way earlier in this post, I’ve teamed up with JORD to present a giveaway to you guys! The giveaway prize is $100 off of ANY JORD watch of your choice. Even for just entering the giveaway, you get 10% off of a watch, and if you’re like me and still in school, you know every amount of money counts. PLUS (I know, so many positives) shipping is FREE WORLDWIDE. If you’re interested in entering this giveaway, click the link down below!


Jord Giveaway Link

*pictures by Joey Frederick

Thank you guys so much for reading! I definitely hope I helped some of you get inspired for Spring without feeling too pressured to dress according to social standards for this specific season. Remember to always BE YOU and find your own creative and personal ways to participate in seasonal fashion!

Until next time,


Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Luxury Wooden Watch

Men’s Street Style: College Edition

Hey guys! I hope you all had an amazing weekend.

Last Sunday, an idea sparked in my brain to start featuring men’s fashion on my blog. I personally think my boyfriend has a great sense of style, so I decided to take pictures of his outfit and show you guys what his daily looks are and why he picks certain items. My boyfriend is also a college student, so he fits in perfectly with my blog aesthetic! Here’s a bit about who he is and how his style came to be:

Joey is a 20 year old college student currently attending Sam Houston State University. He’s aiming for a Bachelor’s degree in General Business! Joey is a major sneaker head and owns pairs of Jordan’s, Yeezy’s, NMD’s and more. He eventually wants to make his own clothing brand and open a sneaker shop where the two are incorporated into each other. Just like how other people collect mugs or ornaments, Joey is definitely a collector of shoes. He sees them as a major art form and uses shoes to express himself, his fashion ideas, and personal aesthetic. It’s hugely important to be comfortable in your own skin and having your wardrobe be a direct representation of you satisfies that comfort. Joey’s wardrobe, especially his shoes, fits that description perfectly and shows the world his creativity!

The Jacket

This jacket is a variation of the army jacket that is popular and trendy, especially during the winter/fall months. The colors are a mixture of dark green, olive, light brown and tan, which fit in the season. Joey decided to pair this jacket with the rest of his outfit because it brings out the olive stripe in his Yeezy’s and is highlighted against the black shirt and dark blue joggers! This jacket is perfect for climates that aren’t too cold, but not too hot either. Even though he lives in Texas, the weather was pretty cool on this day, but not below freezing! The army jacket was bought from Shiekh Shoes, and the brand of the jacket is Broadway.

The Shirt

The shirt is a perfect basic item for ANY girl or guy to have in their closet. A black shirt can be bought in many variations and can be worn in a number of different ways. It can be styled in a warm color scheme with mustard yellow, burnt orange, and reds or it can be styled in a cool color scheme is blush pinks and light blues. This black shirt that Joey is wearing is a long tee, which are significantly longer than a regular, black crew-neck. Also, this is more a warmer theme because of the pop of gold on Joey’s watch! I personally love long tees because they give a very street style look to any outfit (sometimes I take his, but let’s not talk about that, lol). This black, long tee is from Pacsun.

The Pants

In this outfit, Joey’s pants are dark blue, distressed jeans. Joey prefers jeans from Pacsun because they’re more comfortable and have a huge selection. These jeans fit really well into the ripped jean trend, but don’t over do it to the point where they look unwearable, which is great! The cuffs also make the pants pair really well with the type of shoes that Joey likes to wear. The dark blue color works with the army jacket and the black shirt because it stays within the theme of darker, more neutral colors. These jeans are from Pacsun as well! (P.S. They usually have a sale on men’s and women’s jeans ALL the time, so make sure to check!)

The Shoes

The shoes in this outfit are absolutely the best part! As mentioned before, Joey is a major sneaker head. He loves collecting shoes and he incorporates every pair into his outfits in some way. You will never catch him not wearing a pair of Jordan’s, Yeezy’s or NMD’s. In this look, Joey is wearing the Olive Stripe V2’s which is a collaboration between Adidas and Kanye West. Otherwise known as Yeezy’s. These shoes are extremely on trend and because of the Adidas boost material, they are very comfortable on the feet. Even though the price is a little much for a college student, if you want a great quality shoe that is perfect for walking around campus all day, you should invest in the Olive Stripe V2’s. The olive in the army jacket mentioned above helps to bring out the olive stripe in these shoes. This draws the whole look together from top to bottom with little effort. This pair definitely gives off the aesthetic of athleisure or street style, depending on how they’re worn. These shoes are NOT sold in large retail stores, so if you want a pair you’re going to have to do your research. MAKE SURE TO READ SELLER REVIEWS ON WEBSITES LIKE EBAY AND MAKE SURE YOU ARE BUYING AN AUTHENTIC PAIR.

The Watch

Lastly, we have the one accessory in the look which is a gold link style Nixon watch. Joey loves to wear a watch with all of his outfits and owns this exact same one in silver and black. Watches are pretty essential to college students, especially when you have a busy day. They also come in handy when you’re taking a test and need to stay on top of how much time you have left. The use of the gold watch instead of one of the other colors is what makes this outfit have a warm color as opposed to a colder one. It definitely helps the look really come together. If you want a nice watch, but this one is a bit too expensive, check out some of Nixon’s other watches! It’s okay to splurge on yourself a bit, especially after working really hard during the week! (:

Thank you guys so much for reading this post today! I really hope you enjoyed getting to know more about my boyfriend and his personal style. Honestly, he gets it from me! (just kidding, we’re both actually very stylish (: lol). The items I could find, I linked in their matching paragraph, and for the jeans, I linked a similar pair! Just click the store name and it should lead you right there. Let me know in the comments below if you liked this post and if you’d want to see more men’s fashion!

Until next time,


Three Ways to Participate in the Slow Fashion Movement: Broke College Edition

Hey guys and welcome back to the blog! I hope everyone had a relaxing and rejuvenating weekend. Even though school started about two weeks ago, I still haven’t come to the realization that I actually have homework due next week. It’s always really hard for me to get myself back into the mood of school, despite the fact I absolutely LOVE what I’m learning about!

I’ve mentioned before in a couple of my previous posts how interested I’ve become in sustainability, the Slow Fashion Movement, and ethical fashion. My Fashion in Society class really changed my perspective on the fashion industry, and even though I love shopping, after hearing about the way people are treated overseas, I had to cut down on my shopping habits and change the way I obtain clothing. Also, in that same class, I did a capsule wardrobe experiment for my honor’s project. That project really helped me realize that I could be happy and content with my closet without shopping every week or two at places with low quality clothing and horrible ethics.

The Slow Fashion/Sustainability Movement has seen a huge increase in awareness the past couple of years. It’s become a new trend within the fashion industry, so don’t be surprised at the amount of fashion startups that claim that they are sustainable and eco-friendly. Because of our technology and heightened media coverage, people are starting to see the negative side of the fashion industry that they couldn’t see before. This, my friends, is definitely a trend that you should follow. This is an instance where jumping on the bandwagon is okay! However, as college students, we don’t have a ton of money at our disposable to spend on these new, sustainable apparel companies where one cotton t-shirt is $40! This means we have to find other ways to participate in this newfound movement without breaking the bank or spending that $40 that was meant to go towards Starbucks and Chick-Fil-A. In this blog post today, I’ll be giving you three ways to participate in The Slow Fashion Movement from the perspective of a broke college student.


1.Capsule Wardrobe

I know I mentioned this a little bit already, but doing a capsule wardrobe is a great way to be sustainable while not spending a ton of money. If you don’t know what a capsule wardrobe is, it’s basically where you take the closet you already have and decrease it down to a certain amount of items. These items are usually the things you wear the most, or the ones that apply to the current season. The length of time you work with that closet is completely up to you! Most people switch their clothing around or go shopping once a season to prepare for temperature changes or stock up on clothing that they don’t have in their capsule wardrobe. This allows you to participate in The Slow Fashion Movement because you aren’t constantly spending money on clothing from retailers that use fast fashion. NOW that money can go towards better things, like more food! This method is especially effective for those that have a ton of clothing items that are barely worn or have never been worn.


2.Thrifting/Second-Hand Shopping

This is a big resource that college students should take advantage of! I’m a HUGE fan of thrifting and second-hand shopping. Most of the jeans that I wear were bought from the thrift store and customized (either cut into shorts, distressed, or both) by me. Thrifting does take a lot of patience, which makes it seem like a turn-off to most people. I’d recommend going early in the morning on a weekend so you can take your time and search through things thoroughly without feeling rushed and pressured. A lot of good treasures can be found, and a lot of not-so-cute items can be bought and manipulated into something amazing! Second-hand shopping also includes buying clothing off of platforms such as Depop, Mercari, and Poshmark. I love this method, and half of my closet is from a second-hand source. I use Depop the most because a lot of the items appeal more to my aesthetic (minimalist, trendy items such as oversized sweaters, mom jeans, crop tops, etc). If you’re looking for more high-end items, then Poshmark is your place to go! You can get a huge deal on a lot of brands that would usually cost $70-$100 in-store. This method has helped me save a lot of money on items that I would’ve had to pay full price for in a retail store. Also, you aren’t buying directly from fast fashion stores which really helps The Slow Fashion Movement. If you’re interested in buying from these websites, click the links to check out my personal shops!



3.Borrowing/Swapping Clothing

I’m sure a ton of you guys do this unintentionally. If you have a best friend who loves your over-sized, waffle-knit cardigan, and you keep eyeing those cute, over-the-knee boots of hers, you guys have probably swapped items! This happens a lot within families especially between mothers, aunts, and sisters. Borrowing and swapping clothing is a very fast way to get some new things in your wardrobe without having to spend ANY money. For some, it’s hard to place clothing in the hands of someone else, mainly because they don’t trust others to take care of the clothing items. That’s why if you decide to borrow or swap clothing, DO IT WITH SOMEONE YOU TRUST. There are also things called Swap Parties. I’ve never been to one, so I can’t speak from experience. Basically, a group of friends will get together (4 or more) and bring huge piles of clothing that they don’t wear or want to give away. This allows everyone to dig through each other’s piles and find new, fresh items to add to their wardrobes. Surprisingly, this is even done by strangers who don’t know each other AT ALL. I know borrowing/swapping sounds a bit crazy and a little intimidating to be honest, but it really is a helpful way to get some new clothing without spending some cash. Some items in my outfit pictures aren’t even mine! A few things have been my little sister’s, and that Adidas top in the pictures above belongs to…MY BOYFRIEND. YES. If you have a husband/girlfriend/spouse/significant other definitely use their clothing to your advantage! You can really mix things up in your closet by snatching (I mean borrowing) a few things from them. Also, their clothes are usually more comfy anyway!


all photos were taken by Meagan Curtis


I hope reading these different ways to participate in The Slow Fashion Movement definitely sparked some inspiration and motivation in you guys to start participating. This shows that you don’t have to do some big, closet-clear-out to contribute to fashion sustainability. It can be done quick and easy without leaving your home, apartment, or college dorm!

Outfit Details

Top: Adidas (my boyfriend’s)

Bottoms: Black Leggings from Charlotte Russe

Jacket: Camo Jacket from Charlotte Russe

Shoes: Adidas

*All of these items were bought about a year ago! I still make sure to incorporate old items into my outfits and clothing routines. This is a NEW outfit combination that I made from things I’ve had longer than a few months

Until next time,


Follow me on social media for more fashion, college, and lifestyle inspiration! Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook.


Minimalist Eyewear ft. Warby Parker Spring Collection

*This post is NOT sponsored. I’m just giving a little shoutout to a newfound brand I enjoy. I am not receiving any product or monetary compensation for this post.

Hey guys! I hope you all have been doing well. Things have finally been winding down from the holidays, and school is approaching REALLY fast. A week from today I’ll be moving all my items back to my college dorm and starting the spring semester of my junior year.

With a new year in place, I definitely want to put more effort into being minimal with my clothing and style. After doing my capsule wardrobe experiment, my perception towards fashion changed completely. I realized that I enjoyed more basic items and less items with bright colors and dramatic patterns. Also as mentioned in previous posts, my Fashion in Society class taught me a lot about sustainability and buying items that are made ethically and with good quality. Because of this, I’m choosing to change my buying habits in 2018, and if I do spend, I want it to either be 1. from a secondhand source or 2. an item that is made well and with organic, sustainable materials. Clothing items that have this criteria are easy to come by, but it’s a little bit harder for accessories.

Accessories, especially glasses, that are affordable and ethically made aren’t popular within our world. Most companies charge $300+ for a good pair of glasses. Usually, the ones that charge less are not very good quality and will break at the snap of a finger! Today, I have the opportunity to bring you guys a company that is actually accessible to college students, is sustainable, and honestly, fits perfectly into the minimalist aesthetic.

Warby Parker is an affordable, eyewear brand that targets college students. This company also recognizes that glasses aren’t something easily accessible to everyone in the world. Because of this, Warby Parker has arranged to give a pair to someone in need whenever a pair of glasses is bought! If you still aren’t convinced, every pair of glasses is designed and made in-home in an Italian family-owned workplace. THIS definitely contributes to the social and commercial aspects of sustainability and shows the comparison of Warby Parker to other companies that use women and children in third world countries who are paid below living wage to produce their items.

For me, glasses are a HUGE part of my life. I wear them every single day, and now they’ve become part of my style and aesthetic. As someone that likes minimalism and a very neutral closet, the new Spring Collection by Warby Parker represents that perfectly.

This collection features frames that are simplistic, yet dynamic. The colors and shapes are very neutral and light which allow for extreme versatility. They can be essential for someone like me, who loves black, white, and gray, or for someone that enjoys bright florals and plaids.

Also, the flexibility of these glasses means that they can be taken from a day look to a club or party look!

It’s about time for me to update my prescription, so I will definitely get my hands on the new Spring Collection, especially because these frames fit who I am PERFECTLY (I think this is like the third time I’ve said that, but it’s seriously true).

If you’re in need of glasses that won’t break the bank, but still perform well and are made beautifully, check out Warby Parker’s new Spring 2018 Collection. I promise they’ll fit in wonderfully with any wardrobe you have, and you’ll also help someone in need whenever you purchase your pair!

What has your experience been with styling eyewear with clothing? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,

Minimalist Party Outfit

Welcome back guys, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope everyone had a great New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day filled with love, laughter, and happiness. I’ve decided not to take up a ton of resolutions because I feel life is a process, an experience, and every situation results in growth! Instead, I made a few goals and ambitions that I already put action towards in 2017, so I’m excited for to keep working for that in 2018!

I know it’s been a while since I’ve done an OOTD, but I feel this is the perfect moment to post this simple party outfit.

At my job, we had a “glam girl” theme the weekend of New Year’s Eve. Me being the girl who loves black and white, I ran around frantically trying to get an outfit together. If I’m being honest, I don’t own anything sparkly, shiny, sequin-y, or all of the above. I even asked my mom if she thrifted any “party” pieces lately, but the answer was no. Instead of trying to go out and buy something just to wear for that one occasion, I decided to find a party outfit that catered to my aesthetic: The Girl with No Color in Her Closet.

This outfit was put together with items I have owned for the past year or more. With minimalism, using things you already have or being satisfied with what you already own is a big part of the lifestyle, so this outfit fits that perfectly. Even though these retailers are not sustainable, these items have been with me for some time.

The Top

This 3/4 sleeve turtle-neck from H&M was purchased way back when I was in high school (that’s more than 2 years ago, omg). Even though the material isn’t the best, it’s lasted me this long and pairs with everything in the winter season! It’s an essential basic item to have in the closet, and can be paired with different types of bottoms and shoes to fit your personal aesthetic!

The Bottom

I purchased this denim skirt from Charlotte Russe last year. I currently work there as a sales associate, so I was able to get 40% off of this item! I don’t usually purchase skirts or dresses, but I had been craving a denim skirt for a while, so it time to finally purchase one. Again, the quality isn’t great, but it gets the job done and has lasted me at least a year. The only problem is I’m a curvy girl, and I definitely have a booty! The skirt is a bit short in the back, so I’ve become a bit self conscious about wearing it. Luckily, I was able to snatch some leggings from Charlotte Russe as well, and I paired them underneath. Also, it was 40 degrees outside, so I wanted my legs to be covered!

The Shoes

These shoes I actually snatched from my little sister! She barely wears them, and I wanted to have a boot with a heel to elevate the look and make it more “party girl”. I really should’ve worn MY thigh high boots, which don’t have a heel because my feet were CRYING at the end of my shift, but sometimes we have to hurt for fashion. My sister bought these boots last year from Charlotte Russe as well.

Accessories + Make-up

My hoop earrings are extremely old. I bought them in middle school. Yes, they’re a little rusty. Yes, I probably need to invest in a new pair, but I’m in love with them! They bring the whole outfit together and make it look a bit more “old school party girl”. In addition, adding a pop of color is always a great idea with a majority black outfit. The red lip brings a bit of drama to what could be a plain outfit! The lipstick is NYX Liquid Suede in the color Cherry.

If you’re like me and don’t own a lot of color, I hope this was great inspiration for a party outfit! A scoop back bodysuit and black block heels could be traded out to make this a versatile, minimalistic summer look as well!

How do you usually dress for parties? Let me know in the comments below!

Until next time,

Looking for more fashion inspiration? Follow me on Instagram!

3 Reasons Why a Capsule Wardrobe is Beneficial to College Students


Hey guys, and welcome back to my blog! I’m finally done with school and believe me, I’m enjoying every minute of my winter break. So far I’ve gotten the opportunity to play in the snow (yes, I was one of the Texans that freaked out about snow), and finally start watching This Is Us (which I LOVE so far, but don’t spoil anything for me). Aside from that, I also made the decision to keep up with my blog more frequently over the break because I have way more time.

As mentioned in previous blogs, I’m starting to become extremely interested in sustainability and ethical fashion. This semester I was enrolled in a class called Fashion in Society, and it really shifted my perspective and opened my mind to problems in the fashion industry that we really aren’t told. We also watched The True Cost, and I feel that was the absolute breaking point for me. That documentary really awakened something within me to start informing friends, family, and peers about the dangers of our fast fashion industry that has become so common and regular. Here are a few facts from the documentary that shocked me:

  • The fashion industry is the second leading polluter in the world.
  • Only 10% of donated clothing actually end up in thrift stores/going to the cause. The rest is dumped in landfills, so research who you donate to!
  • The world consumes 80 billion pieces of clothing each year
  • Most clothing in the US is produced overseas by factory workers that make a less than appropriate wage.
  • 1 in 6 people work in the global fashion industry, most being women that make less than $3 a day

These facts are things I didn’t know before taking this class and watching the documentary, but now that I do know them, I’ve started to become an advocate for the slow fashion industry.

Also this semester, I did an honor’s project that pertained to fashion. After following minimalism blogs and others on Instagram that did capsule wardrobes, I decided to do an experiment of my own. The College Capsule is what I called it. This experiment featured me decreasing my huge, chaotic wardrobe down to 45 essential items that I had to wear over a nine-week period. I chose 5 pairs of shoes, 15 pairs of pants, and 25 tops/jackets/dresses. Undergarments and accessories were not included. The experiment was actually a huge success, and I had to do a 20-30 minute presentation in front of my peers about my experience (which was extremely nerve-racking but went really well). Of course, all experiments have trial and error, and I did have a bit of a challenge which included me only having sandals and shorts because Texas decided to get cold WAY earlier than I expected. However, I learned a lot from this project and actually feel that a capsule wardrobe is pretty helpful and beneficial to the college population. Here are 3 Reasons Why a Capsule Wardrobe is Beneficial to College Students:

1.It Saves Money

When you’re in college, money is usually a huge problem. As students, we focus on getting the cheapest everything especially when it comes to food and clothing. Because of this mentality, we tend to shop at retail stores that have crazy sales or participate hardcore on Black Friday. Unfortunately, this is contributing to the fast fashion industry and is actually making us lose more money than we think. When you have a capsule wardrobe, your shopping is completely limited. The only time you shop is between seasons, if one of your items rips or falls apart, or if you outgrow something. Other than that, shopping isn’t really important anymore. The goal is to work with the items you already have. Also, when it comes to picking items for a capsule wardrobe, choose those that are pretty costly and good quality. I know I sound crazy, but you actually save money in the long run if you spend more money upfront. For example, if I buy 3 shirts from a fast fashion retailer for $10 each and then buy one shirt from a sustainable retailer for $30, the one shirt is going to last me way longer because it is better quality. The fast fashion shirt is probably going to shrink to some unwearable size, or get a hole in it after the second or third wash, making me have to buy more product to replace the one that fell apart. Having a capsule wardrobe has allowed me to have more money as a college student to spend on really good food and to save up for an exciting summer trip!


2.It Saves Time

This one is pretty self-explanatory. When your closet is smaller, there’s not really a hassle over what to wear in the mornings. You have a very concise collection of your favorite items, so choosing an outfit becomes a lot easier, and doesn’t cause a delay. I found this extremely helpful in the mornings where I had an 8 am class and wanted to sleep in until 7:30 am. As college students, we all want to maximize our sleep, so I find having a capsule wardrobe helps with that in a simple way!

3.It Helps You Find Your Personal Style

This is a realization I came upon while doing my project, and I thought it was really interesting. When you buy clothing, most of the time you assume you’re buying things you like. Sadly, that’s not always the case. When items are on sale, we feel more inclined to buy them, even if we don’t LOVE it. Then, we get home, look at our closets, and realize we have a very small selection of clothing that truly represents our style and our aesthetic. Having a capsule wardrobe helps to zoom in on what actually makes you feel comfortable and happy. The idea of having to pick only a limited amount of clothing forces you to find the things that you LOVE, and leave the others aside. When the whole wardrobe is complete, you get a very detailed overview of what ACTUALLY attracts your eye versus what you THINK attracts your eye because it is on sale. In college, we tend to go out a lot and socialize daily. What you wear represents who you are, and when your closet isn’t a reflection of you, that kind of hurts your self-esteem and confidence. To me, my capsule wardrobe really helped me see who I was when it comes to clothing.


*all pictures are by Meagan Curtis


I really hope this post was informative and inspirational! I’m wanting to make more posts about sustainability, and hopefully, encourage you guys to start participating in the movement!

Have you ever thought about trying a capsule wardrobe? Let me know in the comments!

Until next time,


Like what you see? Keep up with more of my life on Instagram!


Why I’ve Become a Sustainable Fashion Advocate + GIVEAWAY INFO

pic from Pinterest
Hey guys, I know it’s been a while. I don’t get how people blog and go to school full time. It’s so difficult, and props to all my blogging peers that accomplish that weekly, and even DAILY.

Today’s post is going to be very short and sweet with information about my first, and current giveaway at the end, so let’s get into  it!

I’m currently taking a class for my major called Fashion in Society. Over the course of the semester, we’ve talked about many topics pertaining to sustainability and slow fashion. We even watched the movie “The True Cost” and had a full fledged discussion on the film. In addition, I’m also doing a capsule wardrobe experiment for my honor’s project that I’m super excited about and chose to do solely because I want to make an environmental, social and commercial difference in the fashion industry. I’m even considering steering my blog in the direction of sustainability and slow fashion, but that’s a conversation for another day! 

Sustainability is the opposite of fast fashion. It deals with shopping smart, not over spending, and supporting business that practice fair trade. Sadly, most companies we shop from participate in forced labor and sweat shops including Forever 21, H&M, Nike, and more. Especially as college students, we always look for good deals and cheap clothing, but what we don’t realize is that the cheap deals are hurting, and even killing the factory workers overseas. One way to counter this effect is to have a capsule wardrobe.

A capsule wardrobe includes decreasing your closet down to a certain amount of items that you live off of season to season. So far, this project has really been showing me a different perspective of the fashion industry. I’ll have more information for you all soon whenever I finish my wardrobe project, but I’m all for doing a project that betters you and your surroundings! Here are a few outfits that I’ve made using my capsule wardrobe:

Even though there are repetitive clothing items, all 4 of these looks have no relation to each other. That’s what makes a capsule wardrobe so great! 

This is a great segueway into my first giveaway! 

I’ve partnered with a company named Lotus Sky. They make beaded bracelets and jewelry in Nepal. The whole purpose of the company is to provide women in Nepal with the opportunity of achieving an education as well as training and work skills that will help them in the future. Lotus Sky is a beautiful model of sustainability and slow fashion because the company participates in fair trade and does NOT use child labor or forced labor. In the giveaway, one of my followers will win 5 bracelets identical to my own! If any of you are interested in entering, please click the link below to my Instagram post.

I know this was short and sweet, but I wanted y’all to have a chance to enter the giveaway while incorporating it into a post! I’m really keen on the idea of focusing my blog around fashion sustainability, so you’ll see those changes happening in the coming weeks!

Until next time,

To enter the giveaway, click here (you MUST have an Instagram account to enter).